Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Benji Wednesday: Royalty Edition

One of the interesting parts of having an adopted dog is that you never know what breed/breeds they are for sure. Unless, you buy one of those DNA tests, which I have yet to do. Anyway...when I adopted Benji from the SPCA, they told me he was Chihuahua and Pomeranian, but at 17 pounds he's HUGE by either of those breed standards. Then, our vet said Chihuahua, Dachshund and maybe grandma was a Cocker Spaniel, which I definitely see in his face.

Now, I'm totally sticking to that last one, because guess what cute dog Katie just got?

Photo via

People says it's most likely a Cocker Spaniel. 

The Canary Diaries

1 comment:

  1. My blog, "From Alone to Home: Stories of Adopted Pets" (, collects adoption stories and, I hope, will encourage other people to adopt. Would you be interested in sending me an adoption story and photos for Benji? If you'd like to, please let me know if I can use your full name after "adopted by," and tell me the name of the shelter he came from. I'd be happy to link to your blog in the post!
