Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Snaps

Happy Monday! I had a fantastic weekend at my friend Kristi's wedding in Maryland. Everything was so perfect and we had way too much fun. Here are some snaps...

A puppy at the bridesmaids' luncheon--very Bridesmaids

The bride and groom on the way to the rehearsal dinner via boat

The signature drink, a Kiki

The stunning bride and me (how awesome is my J.Crew bridesmaid dress?)

Our table

The first dance

Honey as a sweet parting gift

I wish we didn't have to leave, but now it's back to the real world, which I guess is okay too.

Did you watch the Emmys? I didn't, but I did love a few of the gowns...

All Emmy photos via

Leslie Mann was probably my favorite, how great is that yellow skirt? I love her turquoise accessories too. 

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Pick

In honor of my sweet friend Kiki who is getting married this weekend, my pick for today is Furbish's Mrs necklace

Have a wonderfully romantic weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What's Up Thursday

I considered saving this pic for next week's Benji Wednesday, but I had to talk about these loafers like, now. How cool are they?

The photo is of are my sister's footsies, she's got amazing style. Like, really amazing. She also has an--shall we say--expensive taste, so I was almost afraid to ask who made her shoes. Turns out they are by Alice and Olivia. I may be tardy to the party on this one, but I had no idea they made cute shoes. Get you some here.

I'm really all about loafers and have been since last year, when I bought the ones I'm wearing in this pic below...

And, I kind of have to explain what is going on here, because it's slightly bizarre. Last year my friend Alice and I decided we wanted to do a cupcake crawl. Yes, it is something we made up and not really a thing, but our thought was it would be similar to a pub crawl only with less drunkenness. We were actually wrong about that last part. All this to say that it was a lot of fun, and kind of a fun idea for a bachelorette party or just for a weekend. Now that the weather is cooler, it's kind of a perfect time for a cupcake crawl.

Today I am in Maryland for one of my bestie's wedding. Since it worked so well laying out all my clothes for Santa Fe I think I'll start using that system as a way to pack. So, here's what I'm bringing for three days, plus a super cute bridesmaid dress. No for real, it's really cute.

Last year I was sort of lukewarm on the sneaker pump trend, until I saw Lucky's Eleanor Strauss wearing this awesome outfit made even more so by the addition of some sneakies.

I also love how Amy Poehler wore hers here.

So I bought some, is what I'm trying to tell you. I'll report back when I figure out how to wear them as well as these two did.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Benji Wednesday

I took this cute photo of Benji getting ready for bed last night. Isn't he precious? Anyway, I noticed that  our bedroom bookcase was just so sad looking. I hadn't put anything on it at all and as you've probably gathered, one of my favorite things to do is style a bookcase. I just hadn't gotten around to it. Total sadness.


I used all things we had around the house, which is probably a first for me, but I'm pretty pleased with how it looks now. Thanks, Benji!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Green with Envy

I'm totally obsessed with anything green lately. I never thought I would say that, but I'm telling you it's like my new fave now. I even bought a teal green cocktail dress....

A few more green favorites...

Lanvin ballet mom bought me a pair of these in nude and they are seriously the most comfortable!

Oscar de la Renta printed silk-faille dream situation, wish I could afford it!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ring a ling...

Holy moly! Did you see Blake Lively's engagement and wedding rings? They are too amazing for words. I love an oval ring and this one is just beyond. Well done, Ryan.

Weekend Snaps

Happy Monday! How was your weekend?

I'm thinking of calling this the weekend I realized I wrap all my gifts like a deranged Barbie. My sweet friends Jennifer and Allison assured me this was not the case, but I have proof...

I think I need a more mature wrapping paper look. Suggestions totally welcome.

I cleaned out our holiday closet to decorate for Halloween and found this little costume of Benji's from a few years ago. I think it is fitting as Elsie definitely has a devilish side (which often tells her to use our dining room chair legs as chew toys). Also, just for the record, I think maybe this is the year I stop buying all of the dogs a new Halloween costume. We have like 12.

My mom got me several of the below little needlepoint pillows that hang from most of our doors. They all say "Boo" which I think is pretty cute considering we have like five of them. We really want to get the "Boo" message across.

How cute is this invite for a state fair-themed birthday party? So creative!

I bought some fancy pants Chinese urns and put them right next to the cheapy ones from OKL. It's all about high and low, right?

I treated myself to some new fall nail polish colors (clockwise from top left: Stylenomics, Sole Mate, Siberian Nights and Don't Sweater It)

I'm totally obsessed with this entire outfit that Naomi Watts is wearing. Not sure where she is, but how great is this dress? 

I'll definitely be having Bachelor Pad withdrawal tonight, but I am excited for new fall shows, especially The Mindy Project, which starts next Tuesday. Mindy Kaling is one of my absolute faves, and it looks like her new show will be absolutely hilarious. Have you read her book? It's too funny.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, September 14, 2012

J.Crew S/S 2013

I mean, it's so good. Just look at that precious yellow dress!

Friday Pick

Okay, I realize it is nowhere near cold enough to wear this, but I think I need a winter turban, because-- let's face it--who doesn't?

Eugenia Kim Lula Turban

Also, I've been loving premiere week and the gaggle of comebacks happening on talk shows. Two of my favorites...

Photo via

J.SIMPS, baby. It's totally happening. She'd got an awesome Celine bag, she's wearing a peplum, she's not saying things like "swamp ass" so much. It's all really, really good. I liked seeing her on Katie (speaking of comebacks, eat your heart out Matt Lauer). 

Meanwhile, former hot mess Brit Brit learned the "Gangnam Style"dance on Ellen

Reason to celebrate. Go forth and have a bananas weekend.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Snaps

How was your weekend? 

Mine was filled with some fall decorating. 

I took one of my favorite rings out for a night on the town. How cute is he?

We went to one of the most gorgeous weddings ever....

and I took some photos of my guy friends' shoes. I just love seeing how guys get gussied up for black tie.

I am sooooo beyond excited for Bachelor just 24 short minutes. Who's ready to get disturbed?