Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project Time!

First of all, Happy Groundhog Day! I was watching the fourth-hour of Today (don't judge) and per KLG and Hoda this day was first celebrated by German Catholics who used to use hedgehogs to predict the weather. So, do with that what you will.

Secondly, Benji and I worked on a project recently I just had to share.

We organized my heels, y'all! 

It wasn't pretty, but after basically dismantling my closet and purchasing the Fuji Film instant camera we were in business.

I then sorted all the shoes by occasion and then by color. It helped to see them all at one time. One thing I realized, I probably don't need any more shoes for a while (gasp! I know), but it's true. I mean, I haven't worn some of these in years.

Final product! 

The Canary Diaries

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