Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Love: Blueprint Cleanse

Blueprint Cleanse juices

I've always been really skeptical of cleanses of any kind, mainly because I tend to get cranky without food for any period over four hours, but before a beach vacation earlier this year I decided I needed a little intense dieting. Thus, I tried the Blueprint Cleanse. Basically, it is just being vegan for five days (two-three prep days and then the three days of vegan juice (six juices per day). No caffeine, no sugar, no real food. It was challenging I am not going to lie, but I felt amazing and my skin looked fantastic. It's a little pricey, I actually bought mine through a Daily Candy sale so it was a bit less expensive. But, trust me, it is worth it!

If you're still skeptical, but want to try it out, I would try the prep steps for a couple of days, which is also a great cleanse.


Melon (all of one kind of melon so it is easier to digest)
Clear broth (vegetable)
Water with lemon juice
Herbal tea
Sweet potatoes
Brown rice
Steamed brocoli or spinach

As I am writing this I know I sound like a crazy person, and I am certainly not a doctor.
But seriously, you feel so great after doing it I just had to share!

The Canary Diaries

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