Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Day Movie List

If all goes as Mother Nature plans, we may have yet another snow day on our hands in the coming days. This past week I watched The Social Network and Wall Street Money Never Sleeps and feel I need a slight change of pace. With that in mind, I have made a Valentine's Day movie list consisting of the most saccharine chick flicks ever put to film. To be enjoyed with hot chocolate and the one you love...for as long as he can stand it.

Love Story (1970)
Ali McGraw is at her most fabulously iconic as the fun free-spirited yin to Ryan O'Neal's "Preppy" yang. Some of the greatest late '60s early '70s collegiate fashion around in my book.

When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Meg Ryan rocks my world, as evidenced by my semi-frightening obsession with Sleepless in Seattle (also on this list). Great movie, especially for those couples who started out as friends--or enemies--first.

High Society (1956)
You knew there had to be a Grace Kelly movie on this list, right? This one stars Frank Sinatra as a journalist sent to cover a high society wedding and Bing Crosby as Grace Kelly's ex-husband, who decides he must win her back. It was filmed right before Grace married Prince Ranier, the ring she wears in the movie is actually her own engagement ring (well, the second one, the first was a band of rubies and diamonds, rough stuff being a princess bride, people).

Pride and Prejudice (2005)
I prefer the Keira Knightley version, but Colin Firth is equally amazing. One of my favorite books and movies for sure. Plus, who doesn't need a little Mr. Darcy on Valentine's Day?

The Notebook (2004)
If you haven't seen this movie, get in your car right now and go rent it...assuming there is a video store within 40 miles of your present location. Ryan Gossling and Rachel McAdams are thrilling as a young couple who reunite after years apart.

Dirty Dancing (1987)
Jennifer Gray is so fantastic as Baby and Patrick Swayze makes the movie. I took about a decade of ballet and am a complete sucker for a dance movie, particularly one that features so many lifts.

Say Anything (1989)
John Cusack at his slacker best. You can't help but root for him as the underachiever courting Ione Skye the valedictorian.

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
I don't know what the best part about this movie is, the amazing wardrobe Kate Hudson wears (which somehow manages to be classic and super cute) or the chemistry between Ms. Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. Or, it might be the abundance of Carly Simon. Either way, it's one for the list.

Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
I watched this movie again for about the millionth time and just cannot get over how much I love it. Meg Ryan is so precious as the engaged neurotic and Tom Hanks is the sweetest. But, probably the best part is the performance of Ross Malinger, the sweet little boy. Also a fantastic New York movie.

Casablanca (1942)
Old school romance, foreign intrigue, Bogart, Bergman. A recipe for fabulousness.

Sabrina (1954)
Another Bogart movie. Audrey Hepburn stars as a chauffeur's daughter with a crush on her father's employer's son, William Holden. She studies at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris and returns a fashion plate and wins the heart of both Holden and maybe his brother (played by Bogey) as well.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2003)
Just because I love this movie. Also a good one to watch with a boy.

That's an even dozen, so I'll leave it at that. Honorable mention goes to both The Proposal and Titanic

The Canary Diaries


  1. Meg Ryan rocks my world too, she's even in the title of my blog Pfeiffer Pfilms And Meg Movies.
    Your list is great although I would have included You've Got Mail and Prelude To A Kiss as well.
    I hope you have a great Valentines Day.....glad I stopped by.

  2. Can't wait to watch these movies! Mr. L will not be a Happy Camper though ; )
