Thursday, June 20, 2013

What's Up Thursday

Okay I hate myself for even writing this, but I am dying to know what Kim Kardashian's baby's name is. Word is, it's Kaidence Donda West. To which I say, did you mean Cadence? I get the K thing, but not when it's an actual word, people. That's just an affront to the English language. 

Photo via

I guess I'll just have to wait for the big announcement in whatever magazine. Placing bets on whether one or all of the family will be wearing leather in said photo.

Since this is sort of a down time for shopping, I'm trying to save a little money. I always use this logic to justify buying everything full price in February. However, I do feel I need a new summer clutch purse, because, you know. 

Love this one that is sadly sold out on Shopbop. 

Love this one by Clare Vivier as well

This would go with pretty much anything in my closet

I am currently reading Reconstructing Amelia, in the hopes that it will be as amazing as Gone Girl from last year. It's great so far. It's told in the same style as Gone Girl through a back and forth dialog with Amelia's viewpoint before her death and her mother's story as she tries to determine what really happened two months after.

Can't wait for Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Been looking for something as good as Gone Girl, let me know what you think!
