Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Snaps

Hope you had a wonderful Father's Day Weekend! I didn't take nearly enough photos, so I'm sharing one of me and my dad that is probably my favorite.

We had a bayou night on Friday, we went to Razoo's for fried pickles and saw Mud finally. It did not disappoint. If you haven't seen it, definitely do, it's great!

On Saturday, we went to a birthday party for one of my sorority sister's husband's! Happy Birthday Jerad! It was kind of a rager. So happy I got to catch up with my sweet friend Jacquelyn. I could talk to you forever!!!

On Sunday we spent time with the dads. It was a wonderful weekend!

Father's Day Weekend marks the four-year anniversary of us having Luke. It seems like 20 years, but we love this insane animal. Don't ask me why.

So excited for The Bachelorette tonight! 

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