Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Snaps

Let's just call this weekend Showerpalooza. It was so fun to celebrate two wonderful future happenings with friends. First a wedding shower for my friend Jacquelyn. She's the one in the fabulous bright pink dress and dangly turquoise earrings...

Later on Saturday we celebrated a baby on the way for our friends Carly and Stephen...

How cute is this game? You decide what you think the baby's gender is by either selecting a mustache (boy) or flower pin (girl).

Oh, and this happened. We dressed up baby (dog) Parker in a baby human onesie. 

Even people with way too much time on their hands royal impersonators had a shower--albeit faux--for the arrival of a presumably faux royal child.

Photo via

These resemblances are pretty uncanny, although I can't figure out who the blonde at far left is supposed to be. Any guesses?

Have a wonderful week!

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