Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's Up Thursday

Since it was released this past weekend, I've been watching the new season of Arrested Development on Netflix. I was a huge fan of the original (although not until I watched it on DVD) and I think the new season is just as hilarious. It hasn't gotten the best reviews, in fact, The Huffington Post is reporting that Netflix's stock dipped after its debut, but don't let that deter you. It's kind of amazing. If you've never watched, it's definitely worth it, but start at the beginning.

My sweet friend Alice was in town this week. I hadn't seen her in months so to celebrate I monogrammed her some napkins. I found these at Target and just went and matched the thread colors. 

Because I definitely need another pair of flat sandals....aren't these Lauren by Ralph Lauren ones perfect? They are sold out of most normal human feet sizes, but if you have the foot size of a large child, you are in luck.

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