Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Procrastination=My Friend

Hi there! It's been a while, and that promise about posting on our Savannah vacation is just embarrassing at this point. Apologies all around. What have I been up to? A little of this, a little of that. In summation:

I saw this awesome mid-century house in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright. Much of the furniture is built in,  which sounds so not chic. But, surprise! It was awesome. Who knew? This photo is the view up from the fireplace. Such a cool view.

Celebrated the Royal Wedding with gusto in the form of a very old Burberry headband and scones. If you're wondering, there is no occasion I won't bake scones for. Sorry for the dirty hair and workout clothes, I mean it was four in the morning.

And, speaking of the Royal Wedding I realized I was slightly too obsessed when a friend of mine brought this back from her trip to England. I believe I shrieked when she gave it to me. If there was a fire in my house, I would save my dogs and this decorative plate.

Enjoyed a visit to Carmel by the Sea and went in to Carmel Valley for some wine tasting. It's kind of amazing the weather there. Carmel by the Sea is surrounded on one side by mountains and the fog that comes off the sea works like an air conditioner to keep it cool, but inland in the valley it is about 15-20 degrees hotter. It's science y'all.

I have purchased way too many throw pillows. As evidenced by this photo my poor dogs barely fit on the couch now. But I have to say, throw pillows are such a great and cost-effective way to change a room. P.S. I also have a pair of darker patterned pillows hidden in a closet for when the weather changes. Is there a support group for this? I need help.

Meanwhile, Luke found a place to nap, which makes brushing one's teeth interesting.

I celebrated my sister's 21st birthday with a fun night on the town. Check out her awesome blue nails. It's from OPI's Shrek line. I'm pretty sure she and Shrek himself are the only people who can pull that off. 

Also, I am very into layering jewelry these days. Like so:

The wooden beads are prayer beads my brother brought back from Egypt. He's pretty cool.

Now that I reflect on this I realize I need to get serious hobby, y'all.

The Canary Diaries

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